WINanalyze tracking software is used in many areas worldwide. Often used in academic projects, there is a growing list of research papers independently and objectively describing the value of the WINanalyze motion tracker.
So here is an (incomplete) list of free references with interesting subjects that use/reference WINanalyze for the tracking of objects in videos: (recent publications have been found by using Google Scholar)
- Ultra-miniature force plate for measuring triaxial forces in the micronewton range
- Biomechanical effects of a 2 suture-pass medial inter-implant mattress on transosseous-equivalent rotator cuff repair and considerations for a “technical efficiency ratio”
- The Role Of The Central Complex In Adaptive Locomotor Behavior In Cockroaches
- Responses of a pair of flying locusts to lateral looming visual stimuli
- Biomechanical differences of the anterior and posterior bands of the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow
- Visual Search Strategies of Soccer Players Executing a Power vs. Placement Penalty Kick
- Task Practice with or without Cellular Transplantation Promotes Recovery of Reach-to Grasp Function after Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
- Hypoglossal-facial nerve reconstruction using a Y-tube-conduit reduces aberrant synkinetic movements of the orbicularis oculi and vibrissal muscles in rats
- Fast-starting after a breath: air-breathing motions are kinematically similar to escape responses in the catfish Hoplosternum littorale
- Body movement distribution with respect to swimmer’s glide position in human underwater undulatory swimming
- Dynamics of grains falling on a sloping granular medium: application to the evolution of a talus
- Kinematics of Straight Right Punch in Boxing
- Elevated CO2 affects predator-prey interactions through altered performance
- A neuromechanical model for the neuronal basis of curve walking in the stick insect
- Single perturbations cause sustained changes in searching behavior in stick insects
- Bilateral flight muscle activity predicts wing kinematics and 3-dimensional body orientation of locusts responding to looming objects
- A powered prosthetic knee joint inspired from musculoskeletal system
- Vacuum-venipuncture skills: time required and importance of tube order
- Dynamic motor compensations with permanent, focal loss of forelimb force after cervical spinal cord injury
- Segment-specific and state-dependent targeting accuracy of the stick insect
- Crawling at High Speeds: Steady Level Locomotion in the Spider Cupiennius salei—Global Kinematics and Implications for Centre of Mass Dynamics
- Dreidimensionale Bewegungserfassung mit Consumer-Highspeedkameras: Eine Systementwicklung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Messunsicherheit
- Movement Regulation of Handsprings on Vault
- Clarification of the characteristics of needle-tip movement during vacuum venipuncture to improve safety
- Forelimb Force Deficits and Whole Body Compensations after Rat Cervical Spinal Hemisection
- Motor flexibility: neuronal control of walking direction and walking speed in an insect
- Biomechanical evaluation of an expandable cage in single-segment posterior lumbar interbody fusion
- The effect of the number of cross-stitches on the biomechanical properties of the modified Becker extensor tendon repair
- Judging performance in gymnastics: a matter of motor or visual experience
- Restoration of Labral Anatomy and Biomechanics After Superior Labral Anterior-Posterior Repair Comparison of Mattress Versus Simple Technique
- Amphetamine-enhanced motor training after cervical contusion injury
- Design of an oscillating wave surge converter on the windfloat structure
- Functional relationships between gaze behavior and movement kinematics when performing high bar dismounts – an exploratory study
- Gaze fixation improves the stability of expert juggling
- Measuring the kinetic energy dissipation effects of rock fall attenuating systems with video analysis
- Resistance of equine tibiae and radii to side impact loads
- Neurobehavioral Assessments of Spinal Cord Injury
- Fatty acid content of eggs determines antipredator performance of fish larvae
- Effect of shoulder abduction angle on biomechanical properties of the repaired rotator cuff tendons with 3 types of double-row technique
- Routine integration strategies and their effects on volleyball serve performance and players’ movement mental representation
- New method for determining apparent axial center of rotation of lumbar and thoracic spine segments.
- Monocular and binocular vision in the performance of a complex skill
- Brief communication “Tree impacts into a flexible rockfall protection system”
- WINanalyze Von Der Subjektiven Zur Objektiven Bewegungsanalyse. Dr. phil. habil. T. Mühlbauer, Ben Derwel, Carolin Witt. Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, WS 2011.
- Hypothetische sporttechnische Items der Behinderungsklassifikation von Leistungssportlern in der Sportart Tischtennis. Thilo Merrbach, Dezember, 2010.
- WINanalyze supports International Space Station ISS. NASA Press Release, September, 2009.
- Implementation and Benchmarking of a Whegs Robot in the USARSIM Environment. Brian Kyle Taylor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio, January 2009.
- Dynamics of talus formation. May-Britt Sæter, Master thesis, University Oslo, 2008.
- Dose-dependent effects of developmental mercury exposure on C-start escape responses of larval zebrafish Danio rerio. D. N. Weber, Journal of Fish Biology, Volume 69 Page 75, 2006.
- Finite Element Simulation Of A Carving Snow Ski. Peter Andreas Federolf, Dissertation ETH No. 16065, Zurich, Switzerland, 2005.
- An assessment of video capturing outcome on six different grip models of camcorder using computer aided motion analysis. Andar Bagus Sriwarno, Yoshihiro Shimomura, Koichi Iwanaga and Tetsuo Katsuura. Chiba University, Chiba, JAPAN, 2005.
- Effects of neck and circumoesophaegeal connective lesions on posture and locomotion in the cockroach. Angela L.Ridgel, Roy E.Ritzmann. J Comp Physiol A (2005)191:559 –573. Springer, 2005.
- Descending control of Body attitude in the cockroach Blaberus discoidalis and its role in incline climbing. Roy E.Ritzmann, Alan J.Pollack, Jeffrey Archinal, Angela L.Ridgel, Roger D. Quinn. J Comp Physiol A (2005) 191:253 –264. Springer, 2005.
- Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Weightlifting Sport Phase 1: Pull Phases in Snatch Technique E. Shirzad, A.R. Arsh, M. Rastgar Agah, First UAE International Conference on Biological and Medical Physics, Conference Proceedings, Al-Ain, UAE, 2005.
- Dynamical analysis reveals individuality of locomotion in goldfish H. Neumeister,C. J. Cellucci, P. E. Rapp, H. Korn and D. S. Faber, Journal of Experimental Biology 207, 697-708,
2004. - Mechanized Cockroach Footpaths Enable Cockroach-like Mobility Boggess, M.J., Schroer, R.T., Quinn, R.D., and Ritzmann, R.E., IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA ’04), New Orleans, 2004.
- Effects of aging on behavior and leg kinematics during locomotion in two species of cockroach A. L. Ridgel, R. E. Ritzmann and P. L. Schaefer, The Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 4453-4465, 2003.
- Dealing with skin motion and wobbling masses in inverse dynamics
Günther M., Sholukha V.A., Keßler D., Wank V. and Blickhan R, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 3, Nr. 3/4 (2003), 309-335, 2003. - Analyse und Ansteuerung biomechanischer Parameter der Kraulrollwende M. Recht, D. Schmidtbleicher, Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, BISp Jahrbuch, 2003.
- Geomechanical investigation of rock block bouncing during rockfalls Heidenreich Barbara, Rock Mechanics Laboratory, EPFL, 2003.
- Biomechanics of kicking in the AFL with respect to the development of quadriceps strains John Orchard, Andrew McIntosh, Raul Landeo, Trevor Savage, Karen Beatty, University of New South Wales, Report for AFL R & D Board, March 2003.
- Elektrische Muskelaktivität bei ausgewählten Kraftübungen Klaus Mattes, l. Janshen, G. Tidow, M. Badura, R. Dietrich, 6. Konstanzer Ruder-Symposium, 2003.
- Examining the relationship between whiplash kinematics and a direct neurologic injury mechanism David J. Nuckley, Joseph A.Van Nausdle, Geoffrey C. Raynak, Michael P. Eck, Richard M. Harrington and Randal P. Ching, Applied Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Int. J. Vehicle Design, Vol. 31, Nos. 1/2, 2003.
- The Examination of the KODAK motion corder analyzer SR 500 as an gait analysis system for horses Hannover, Tierärztliche Hochschule, Dissertation, 2002.
- The Response of the MADYMO 50th Percentile Male Human Model (v 5.4), Human Volunteers, and Cadaveric Specimens: A comparison in rear end impact Allan F Tencer, Sohail Mirza, Philippe Huber, 2002.
- OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING BY INEXPERIENCED SPORT CLIMBERS Marc S. J. Boschker & Frank C. Bakker, Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Human, Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002.
- Visual constraints in foraging bumblebees: Flower size and color affect search time and flight behavior J. Spaethe, J. Tautz, and L. Chittka, Biozentrum, Zoologie II, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany. Communicated by Martin Lindauer, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, February 1,
2001. - Das Laufverhalten des Skorpions Hadogenes bicolor in schwierigem Gelaende, mit dem Schwerpunkt des Laufens in Sand Ina Margarete Koepke, Diplomarbeit, Institut fuer Zoologie Bonn, Germany, 2001.
- Reconstruction of Physical Correlations Using Symbolic Regression Klaus Weinert and Marc Stautner, Dept. of Machining Technology, University of Dortmund, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany. July 24, 2001.
- ANXIETY AND FLUENCY OF MOVEMENTS IN CLIMBING J.R. (Rob) Pijpers, Frank C. Bakker, Raôul R.D. Oudejans, & Marc S.J. Boschker, Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2001.
- HIGH SPEED DIGITAL VIDEO – A PRACTICAL TOOL FOR MEASUREMENT AND MOTION ANALYSIS Anthony SPRENT, Jon OSBORN, Centre for Spatial Information Science, University of Tasmania, GPO Box 252-76, Hobart 7001, 2001.
- Tracking wakes: The nocturnal predatory strategy of piscivorous catfish Kirsten;Pohlmann, Frank W.;Grasso, Thomas Breithaupt, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2001 June 19; 98 (13): 7371–7374.
- Volumenverschiebungen beim Sprung der Jagdspinne Cupiennius salei Michael Karner, Dissertation Fachbereich Biologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe – Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1999.
- BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF SPRINTING TO IMPROVE THE INDIVIDUAL TECHNIQUE C. Bohn, G. B. Shan, R. Attermeyer, M. Schulte, K. Nicol; XVI International Symposium of Biomechanics, Proceedings, Konstanz, 63 – 66, Germany, 1998.
- MUSCLE ENERGY OF TENNIS-STOPS WITH DIFFERENT MOVEMENT PATTERNS Manfred M. Vieten, Tobias Dietrich, Hartmut Riehle, University of Konstanz, Germany, 1998.